
Dec 21, 2008


For those of you familiar with the artist Sam Brown he needs no introduction. If you are not you need to be on the exploding dog website right now. Essentially what Exploding Dog is is the artist Sam Brown taking internet submissions of one sentence or sentence fragment ideas. He takes these submissions and draws whatever he feels fit to the statement in a very primitive, stick figure fashion. He has a very distinct style of drawing, with recurring characters such as robot, exploding dog and his standard stick figure.

So onto how it affected me. Sam came to Real Art Ways a couple weeks ago and was taking these suggestions in person and drawing pictures for you to take with you for free! Naturally me and my friends jumped in line. I think my favorite picture I saw him draw was my friend Greg's His Statement was, " What is the most impressive thing about my beard?" On which Sam drew a man with a large beard with small men climbing it, with the man saying "It's probably not the mountain climbers..."

So when it came my turn I asked him to draw the title of one of my bands songs called "How to Draw a Walrus" and this is the picture I got...

Exploding Dog Exit Ghost

The hilarious thing is when I asked him to draw it he looked up at the ceiling and said, "Shit, How do you draw a walrus?" After which I guided him through the various features of a walrus.

Exploding Dog
My Band Exit Ghost

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