
Apr 3, 2009


Aphotoeditor posted this on twitter:
"The problem is if all the informing from the past overwhelms the informing from the present. And snapshots from old family albums have a habit of looking good because they are more than snapshots: people took more time making them than they do now, people wore better clothes than they do now, people didn't necessarily know what was expected of them in front of the camera and if they did, they performed their task with more dignity, conviction and self-belief than they do now."

and I read the whole thing here.

But then saw this photo of my mom and stepdad on facebook from spring break and thought...

"You know what, fuck that noise. He's wrong."


  1. not to mention that the photo he chose to make his point is clearly from new years 2000

    is this guy an idiot? am i missing something? is this some funny joke that is going right over my head? HELP!

  2. yer mom and stepdad are fantastic

  3. I don't think it's a joke. I think what he is railing against is stuff like lastnightsparty, which I would agree is for the most part empty posing etc etc. But family pictures are a bit different.

    Plus, I think Aphotoeditor quit following me on twitter because of this post (if they weren't in the first place, then I don't know who stopped following me).

    ps: thx tiff. they're fun.
