
Jul 12, 2009


Since I found out about Project Pedal, it's been that one thing that you tell all your friends about and hope they follow too. Created by Mike Ambs and Amanda Walker, Project Pedal is a film, a blog, a community, and really a life. You can learn a lot more about the project by checking out their website, but I'd like to give a brief summary of my experience following Pedal. I came across episodes of a production vlog called 64 Days, which chronicled the struggles and joys of creating an independent documentary on the road. I watched one of the later episodes at work, and then had to rush home to catch up on the beginning. Watching the lives of strangers has become something common on the Internet, but when put into beautifully shot and edited episodes, you can't help but think you are watching a film.

They are now in post-production. They've created a killer website, with a blog and video updates. They are raising funds, dollar by dollar, and I think they will be successful in the end. Project Pedal is the kind of independent film that I aspire to be working on in the future. Follow them!

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